I’m an anaesthetist from a village called Felsted, in Essex.

For a lot of the population, 2020 was the year of learning new skills and hobbies. Bee keeping was my lockdown hobby.. Although I apparently took it too far and now my Wife insists I need to start selling it!

After a chance over-the-fence conversation with a neighbour I borrowed a book on basic bee keeping. Inspired, I then found plans and built a National Hive using old floorboards. I painted it and put it in the garden to dry. A week later, I lifted the lid to put it away and found a large swarm had moved in, uninvited!

At this point, I was hooked!

These turned out to be the naughty bees. Real little buggers!

The bees were good as gold for most of that season but when the borage dried up, they grew horns and fangs. Its safe to say I bought a suit very promptly!